
Showing posts from October, 2021

Power of Astaghfar (Asking forgiveness from Allah ST)

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. brothers and sisters First of all, I have good news for you MaShaAllah you are chosen by Almighty Allah that is the reason you are looking for this very powerful asset "Astaghfaar" First, we will discuss what is  Astaghfar (Forgiveness) ‎/ أستغفر Astaghfar means Repenting & Seeking forgiveness from Allah for the sins so far committed and turning back to Allah. Astaghfaar is so simple to recite that a muslim can recite anywhere anytime and it is so powerful that it can wipe away the sins even if they are so huge like mountains or like the foam of the sea .  There are many different duas for Astaghfar (InShaAllah i will share in next article) but it is also have great significance of saying only "Astghfirullah" or "Astaghfirullahal Azeem"  👉One of the names of Allah is Al-Ghaffaar means the one who forgives repeatedly. He who continually forgives and does not stop forgiving those who come to him. 👉And other blessed name of All...