What is Kaaba and who built it?

AssalamuAlaikum Brothers and Sisters The literal meaning of the Arabic word kaʿbah (كَعْبَة) is "cube." It is also referred to Al-Kaʿbah al-Musharrafah (Arabic: أَلكَعْبَة أَلمُشَرَّفَة , the Holy Ka'bah). In the province of Hejaz in the western part of Arabia, not far from the Red Sea, there lies the town of Makka. In the center of this town, there is a cuboid stone structure made of granite it's about 60 feet long, 60 feet wide and 60 feet high approximately. Inside the Kaaba, the floor is made of marble and limestone. The interior walls, measuring 13 m (43 ft) by 9 m (30 ft), are clad (clothed ) with tiles, white marble halfway to the roof, with darker trimmings along the floor. The floor of the interior stands about 2.2 m (7.2 ft) above the ground area where tawaf is performed. It is a building at the center of Muslim's most important mosque, Al-Masjid Al-Ḥarām (Arabic: أَلمَسْجِد أَلحَرَام, The Sacred Mosque) , in the Hejazi city of Mecca, Sa...