Who is Allah and what is Monotheism?

AssalamuAlaikum Brothers and Sisters

It is a very important question who is Allah?
It conflicts from different religions but in Islam, Allah told us in Quraan from Surah Ikhlas what Allah is and what Allah is not.
Surah Ikhlas chapter 112 of the Holy Qur’an is a short declaration of Taheed which says:
Image result for surah ikhlas

"Qul hu allah hu ahad" – Say He is Allah, The One and Only (He is one in worthiness to be worshipped. That is, He is the Worshipped Being {ma‘bud} who is unique in everything).

"Allah hus Samad" – Allah, The Eternal, Absolute (He is everlasting without any doubt.“Samad” means impenetrable, indestructible and unchangeable).

"Lam ya lid wa lam yulad" – He did not give birth, nor was He born (He is neither in anything nor is anything in Him. His relationship with things is not like that of a parent to his child. It is rather the relationship of the Creator {khaliq} with the creature {makhluq}).

"Walam ya qul laho kuffuan ahad"  – And there is none like unto Him (He has no equal in being, perfection and action.He is One and no one is similar to Him. He has no equal to be His assistant and partner).

"Say, ‘He is Allah, The One and Only; Allah, The Eternal, Absolute; He did not give birth, nor was he born and there is none like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]

It is the test if any person who says He is The God, fits in this four lines definition, we Muslims have got no objections in accepting that person entitled to be called God and worshipped as God.
"So it is clear the moment you compare the God with something or somebody that means He is not a God."

What is Monotheism??
Monotheism has been defined as the belief in the existence of only one god that created the world, is all-powerful and intervenes in the world.
A broader definition of monotheism is the belief in one god worship, having no partners no associates, no sons no daughters, no one whom he must consult and no one or anything.

In Islam, God (Allāh) is all-powerful and all-knowing, the creator, sustainer, ordainer and judge of the universe.
God in Islam is strictly singular (tawhid) unique (Wahid) and inherently One (Ahad), all-merciful and omnipotent.

Allāh exists without a place and the Qur'an states that "No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision. God is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things" (Qur'an 6:103)

The Islamic Creed is, "La illaha illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah", which means that there is no god but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of Allah.

So, Verify the Gods you worship.
Now this article has explained to you how to verify your God and it is the duty of everyone to verify with this 4 lines definition of God, whether the Gods that they worship are true or false.

JazakAllah Khair


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