What does muslims think about jesus?

AssalamuAlaikum Wr. Wb. Brothers and sisters
In Islam, ʿIsa ibn Maryam (Arabic: عيسى بن مريم‎, 'Jesus, son of Mary'), or Jesus, is understood to be the penultimate prophet and messenger of Allah and Al-Masih {the Arabic term for Messiah (Christ)}
Allah sent him to guide the Children of Israel with a new revelation Al-Injil (Arabic for "the gospel"). 
Muslims love Jesus (Isa) tremendously (peace be upon him) and they believe that he is a noble messenger and an amazing man. One primary manifestation of this is the fact that his name is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an  25 times.

(Isa)Jesus is believed to be a prophet who neither married nor had any children and is reflected as a significant figure and is being found in the Quran in 93 verses with various titles attached such as "Son of Mary" and other relational terms, mentioned, directly and indirectly, over 187 times.

Likewise, there is an entire chapter in the Qur’an named after one of the miracles of Jesus (peace be upon him), the chapter called Al-Maidah (The Table Spread).
Interestingly, this particular miracle is not even mentioned in the Four Gospels (the teaching or revelation of Christ).
Furthermore, Muslims do not even prefer that the Messiah (Jesus, peace be upon him) to be mentioned except that the phrase “peace be upon him” is mentioned thereafter,and it is normally considered bad manners if a Muslim does not utter this prayer for him after mentioning his name.
At the end of this amazing chapter, Al-Maidah, which literally means “the table spread”, Allah mentions the miracle of Jesus(peace be upon him) which involved Him sending a table spread down from the heavens in response to the special request of the disciples. [See “The Noble Qur’an, Chapter Al-Madiah: 112-115]
Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is also called a Muslim, as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path". 

 Is Jesus the son of God?
Jesus (peace be upon Him) is not the son of God, for indeed one of the names of Allah is “Al-Gani” (The Rich, Free of all Needs); so Allah, the Exalted, is“Al-Gani” to whom all wealth truly belongs and He is absolutely free of all needs. Therefore, since He is the rightful owner of all things and completely free of all needs, then for what reason would He take on a son? Is it due to a need? That would contradict the fact that He is absolutely free of all needs, because having a son (or a child), in and of itself, is a manifestation of the parent’s imperfect, mortal nature.

Almighty Allah, said in the beneficent Holy Qur’an:
“And they have said that God has taken a son; however, He is highly Exalted above all that they attribute to Him, which does not befit Him. He is “Al-Gani”; He owns everything in the heavens above and on earth. You have no proof to support what you have said. Do you say concerning God that which you have no proof for and no true knowledge of ?” 
[The Quraan, Chapter Yunus: 68]

Other points which clarify the falsehood of Jesus (peace be upon him) being the son of God is the fact that a child resembles his parent in various ways, specifically with regards to their general characteristics and physical capabilities; as for God, nothing resembles Him. Concerning this issue God, the Exalted, has said:
“There is nothing comparable to Him, and He is The All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.” 
[The Qur‟an, Chapter Al-Hashr: 10]

And He, the Exalted, also said:
“Say, “He is God; God is “Al-Samad” (The Only One Who is truly Self-Sufficient, while everyone and everything needs Him). He did not beget a child, nor was He begotten. And there is absolutely nothing similar to Him.”
[The Qur‟an, Chapter Al-Ikhlas: 1-5]

And He, the Exalted, also stated in the glorious Holy Quraan:
“And they have said that the Most-Merciful1 has a son; you have indeed invented an abomination. The sky and heavens above have almost torn apart, and the earth has nearly split, and the mountains have just about collapsed and become dust, all in the devastation that you have claimed that The Most-Merciful has a son. It is beneath the greatness of God that He would have a son (as reproduction and having offspring is the nature He created for humans, animals, and the likes: His creation). 
[The Qur‟an, Chapter Maryam: 89-92]

As for the claim of those who say that Jesus is the son of God because he was born of no father, this is an a false claim; similarly, Adam (peace be upon him) had no father and even no mother, and he is not the son of God, the Exalted, either. So, the fact concerning this issue is that Allah, The One Who was able to create Adam (peace be upon him) with no father or mother, was likewise certainly able to create Jesus (peace be upon him) with no father.
If it were correct to claim that Jesus is the son of God because he was born of a miraculous birth with no father, Adam (peace be upon him) would have even more right to be God’s son, but he is not and the whole notion is completely incorrect. Therefore, we firmly hold that claiming that Jesus (peace be upon him) is the son of God is even further from the truth.

Surely, one might ask, “Then, why did God create Jesus with no father?” The answer is that He did so as a manifestation of His unlimited ability for all of mankind to witness: to emphasize that He is able to do all things, and that He does whatsoever He wants. Just as He created Adam (peace be upon him) with no father or mother, similarly, He created Jesus (peace be upon him) from a mother but no father.

Even Maryam (peace be upon her) said, in HolyQur’an:
“She said: „O, my Lord. How can I give birth to a son while no man has even touched me‟? He (Gabriel1) said: „As such, God creates whatever He wills. When He decrees the existence of an affair, He merely says, „Be‟, and it is.”

Jazakallah Khair


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